About project
The project "Resilient Youth for Development of Transversal Skills for Labor Market", project code: 2023-1-RO01-KA210-YOU-000164625, is implemented during the period 01.10.2023 - 31.03.2025 by the AMES Association (Romania), in partnership with the following associations: Loesje Bulgaria (Bulgaria), Educator, spolek (Czech Republic), and ASOCIACION CULTURAL Y DEPORTIVA LAHOYA (Spain).
The need for the project arose from the identification of common needs among the partners, namely: youth unemployment and the weak development of transversal competencies.
The objectives of the project and the proposed activities have been designed to address the identified needs and achieve the following results:
The aim of the project is to prepare young people for their integration into the labor market, through: better preparation and information about completing the CV, better preparation for attending interviews, better preparation for supporting work samples and development of communication skills with employers.
The project focuses on the development of skills among the young people involved in the project, related to professional or educational skills (writing CV, negotiation skills, communication, argumentation, presentation at interviews, support of work samples). These abilities are part of the professional and transversal skills requested by employers upon entering the labor market.
The main activities within the project are:
- Conducting local-level research to assess the youth's knowledge regarding aspects related to youth integration into the labor market.
- 1 day workshop for: CV writing and interview preparation.
- 1 day mock interviews session.
- Developing a brochure and a guide that includes international recruitment practices: CV requirements and preparation, interview preparation, work samples, aspects of labor law.
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